Polar Ocean Mitigation Potential

POMP will advance the science on climate change impacts on polar ecosystem carbon sinks and biodiversity, with special focus on the capacity of ecosystems to mitigate increasing atmospheric CO2 concentration.

Functional changes in pelagic primary produces

Retreat of glacier and ice shelves

Change in trophic energy transfer

Our ocean, particularly in the polar regions, is at a climatic crossroads, facing rapid changes and unprecedented challenges. The POMP project emerges to provide new quantitative knowledge of the biodiversity and mitigation potential of blue carbon habitats, and natural carbon sinks and their responses to climate change. This knowledge will be instrumental to the successful management of polar blue carbon habitats.

Deposition of particulate and dissolved organic matter through the water column

Increase of sedimentation caused by retreating glacier

Increase of sedimentation caused by retreating glacier

This lack of research has led to substantial gaps in our understanding of carbon dynamics and biodiversity changes in these ecosystems, weakening our ability to accurately measure polar carbon stocks and project climate feedback mechanisms.

Colonization of emerging sediment by infaunal organisms

Expanding kelp forests

POMP | Polar Ocean Mitigation Potential


At the heart of POMP’s success are our partners and dedicated team members that together will produce vital tools for scientists, ocean managers, and policymakers, thereby guiding future endeavours in polar marine conservation and climate change mitigation.

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A new study by POMP researchers, published in Limnology and Oceanography Letters, brings attention to...

POMP researchers, together with SeaQuester colleagues, went on a field campaign in Northeast Greenland's Young...
In a new study, researchers from the POMP project focused in understanding how geographic location...